Friday, April 04, 2008

I pretty much always make a batch of my cookies for our Friday night poker game. I got out the last of the pecans Duane and I shelled this fall (I had frozen them).

I've been meaning to post about Emmie - Teresa and I both have one from long, long ago...and we both still love our little food processors! I doubt they ever made a better one as far as easy to use/clean - and just the right size!

A bit noisy...

I decided to use the duck egg - REALLY large yolk! I need 4 eggs for this double batch of cookies - so I figure these two will be perfect! The recipe is not too terribly sensitive anyway...

Oh yeah, I went to our local "Friends of the Library" semi-annual book sale this morning. It's the second day, so the books are 1/2 of the original marked down price... I got all these books for $10 - the hardbacks are in new condition. We read them at our leisure and then I donate them back! (better than late fees for the ones I check out and forget to return on time!!)


Elizabeth said...

Don't eat too many cookies. Remember those shorts. E

affectioknit2 said...

Where'd you get a duck egg? Koonz is too scary for me - reading CS Lewis right now - very hard - have to re-read a lot of paragraphs...
