We flew down to the boat just for a look. We've not been sailing lately- just too cold!! We prefer the warm wind-in-your-hair to five-layers-of-clothes-and-you're-still-freezing!!
Nothing much to report from the boat - still just like we left her, floating lonely in her slip. Oh - except we turned the boat around in the slip (it used to be "backed-in") so that the lovely Marina Otter would not come visit with his/her fish carcasses and putrid poop in our cockpit!! Seemed to work as there was absolutely no evidence of their visits.
The flight home was just perfect - into the setting sun. Just page thru these few photos. Love, love,love to watch the sunset. It's amazingly fast once it touches the horizon. The time difference between the first and last photos is about 100 seconds! Peaceful....