Monday, October 10, 2011

Just a quick update on the fall newly tilled and planted garden has a little surprise for me - a leftover cucumber has "volunteered" it's seeds! I'm suspecting the frost will get them soon though.

The only thing popping up so far is a row of radishes.  I see little sprouts of lettuce and collards.  I buried the onion sets deep so they might survive the winter - so they're not peeking up yet!

Otherwise around the house we've still got some color -

And one remaining pepper plant on the deck in a pot.  I'm saving these until closer to frost.

And of course, some mums.  The buds on these mums were completely nibbled off by the deer about a month ago.  I thought for sure that I would have no blooms.....

Mums must be different than other flowers because they grew new buds - and they're just beautiful and autumn-y!!

1 comment:

affectioknit said...

All lovely! I've still got potatoes turnips and carrots in the ground up here...and must get them out soon or it will be too late...we've got cold rain right now so it will have to wait a bit...
