Monday, March 26, 2012

Words With Friends Game Mystery

Some of you may know that I am enamoured with the little online game, Words With Friends. It's really just Scrabble - but you can play it like long-distance chess from days gone by.

I loaded the "app" on my little handheld device back in Gatlinburg when we had our McCraw Christmas family gathering in January.   There, I played a game with Sharon (she was using her iphone to play it). Somehow, I must have lost her "username" - but I thought I knew what it was - SHARONI.

So, when we got home, I just typed in SHARONI to start a brand new game with Sharon.  Just a few screen shots help me tell the story - 

Off and on for weeks, Sharoni and I would send scrabble moves back and forth.  Sometimes once or twice a day - sometimes an entire game in one just depends on how busy we were.  Sometimes a day or two would go by and no-one made a move at all.  It's a cool game that way.

There is a neat feature in the game - you can "chat" with the person you're playing - a separate screen captures these messages.

I had "chatted" off and on with Sharoni - sometimes just to say "excellent word!!"  Sometimes we'd say "gotta go, talk to ya later".

Sorry for the small letters - you can click on the photo if you want to enlarge it - this is a series of a couple of "chats" with Sharoni - you can see a couple of weeks go by and she tells me she's remodeling her kitchen.....

In the meanwhile, I speak to Buddy on the phone one day.  I ask him what they were doing with the kitchen, that Sharon had told me that they were remodeling.  He sounds puzzled and said that they weren't remodeling.  I argued with him....and said that he must be joshing me - that I was sure Sharon had told me in an email or something that they were remodeling.   He assured me that they were not.  

I was perplexed.  I searched my emails - no note.  I searched my phone, no text messages.  It was not until a week later that the mystery was mostly solved.  Sharoni was back online again in Words With Friends.  I sent her a chat to tell her that I was onto her toying with me about the kitchen - still perplexed as to why she would do that....

I think it's clear that I've been chatting with Sharoni - a total stranger!  Maybe the real Sharon can clear this up!!! 


affectioknit said...

That was absolutely HILARIOUS...I'm still laughing about it!...and probably will be for days!...hilarious!



PS - I want to play...

Sharon said...

Karen - I think you keep confusing me with somebody else.

Karen said...

hey sharon! maybe it was all just an evil ploy to get you a new kitchen....hmmmmm