We're letting him set up in our original guest-room (it's a bigger room, cooler in the summer). So, our current activity at home is re-vamping Richard's old bedroom into the new guest room. It needs paint and carpet after 13+ years.....
Here's the 'before" shot after Richard moved out and I just got rid of all his old "stuff" he didn't want/need anymore. (This photo was posted sometime last year also)
Last week, Richard helped by doing some of the painting -(I'll make sure he never tries to get a job as a professional painter unless we get him some serious training!!) Good intentions, anyway...
So, over the weekend, I took over and did the remainder of the painting. I even painted the ceiling! There had been a roof leak several years ago and there was a spot on the ceiling...so the entire ceiling had to be painted. Actually, it was not as bad as I expected - using a pole on the roller handle and a great-big fuzzy roller.
Duane took all the baseboards off and removed the carpet.....we haven't got the replacement carpet yet - I'll be sure to fill you in as we progress. Then you're invited to try out the guestroom!!
You've got plenty of time to get the room ready for our visit in February. E
Wow - that's a lot of work!
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