Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hardwood finally finished!!

The hardwood installer came back and finished the hallway hardwood!

Here's the before photo - with the old carpet in the hallway:

And here's the lovely finished hallway!!!

This is the "before" shot -  looking down the hallway from the living room - the hardwood stopped about 4" shy of the carpeted hallway due to the threshold.

In order to finish it properly, they had to remove some of the existing flooring and add back in the proper lengths, all the way flush with the perpendicular hallway. 

The flooring is exactly the same - natural oak - and within a few months, the new boards will have "yellowed" and will eventually match perfectly.  I'm very pleased with my new hallway!!


affectioknit said...

It already looks like it was always that way...it's perfect!



Elizabeth said...

That does look very nice. And amazing that it is a perfect match. MOM