Monday, March 31, 2008

This is cool - my friend Bobbi gave me a goose egg....I haven't used it yet. I'm temped to just fry it up and serve it beside a regular egg.


Elizabeth said...

Maybe you remember Joyce Barnett used these a lot and gave me some. Of course one goose egg would make a cake usually needing 3 or 4 regular eggs. They are also richer, I think. How did Bobbi get them? E

Karen said...

one of our customers gave several to her. her husband, joe, has a bunch of chickens- they get ALOT of eggs - more than they can eat usually...anyway, she's going to put one of these goose-eggs under a hen for an april fool's gag tomorrow! cute.

love, k

affectioknit2 said...

OK I read your posts backwards - I know where you got the egg now...

