Monday, October 20, 2008

We're back from Biloxi - I'll post tomorrow about the trip.

All is well here - although it was very warm when we left - and now it's very chilly!!

I couldn't resist posting a photo of the kitty-cat we took up to Granny in September. Here's a photo of "Obie" that Carolyn sent me (Carolyn, hope you don't mind that I'm stealing your photo!!) He certainly looks like a happy and healthy little kitty! Granny seems to be enjoying him - we'll be up Thanksgiving so we'll see for ourselves how spoiled rotten he is!


Elizabeth said...

Looks like he's going to be a lap cat. Twilight will sit on my lap as long as I rub her or until she bites. E

Karen said...

such a pleasant cat you have!! yes, she's a strange one, for sure, isn't she! love, k

affectioknit2 said...

What a sweetie-cutie!