As you may remember, the local florist offers free flowers to anyone with the "name of the day".....well, "Karen" just isn't on the agenda! But my Bro' Eddie can come down and get some flowers!!! How about it?
Let's see - I'm supposed to describe myself....married for WOW 42 years!, mom of two boys (now men), pilot, sailor (in training), happy (most of the time), traveler (when I can!), always have a book on the nitestand, always planning the next adventure (big and small!)
"Bucket List" (Things I'd Like to Do Before I Kick the Bucket!!"
See the Alps, the Sahara Desert, the Pyramids, London, Loch Ness, the Andes, the Amazon, the Taj Mahal, Moscow, Fiji, Galapagos, Mayan Ruins, Venice, interior China, and on and on and on!
See a glacier, Sydney, New Zealand, San Francisco
See Bangor, Maine in summer, been there in winter!
That is so neat! Eddie should definitely stop by...
Hurry Eddie, hurry!!! What? No "Karen"? Even less likely, then, to find "Joyce" at the Friendly Florist! Who do we talk to about that?
I think it's a little late for Eddie. Maybe Richard will show up next week. E
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