When I was down last week painting the stripe on the boat, I had taken loose a vent cover on the lower hull of the boat. I took 2 of the 3 screws out to get it out of my way while I was painting the stripe. Uhhh, and I proceeded to forget to put it back in place.

When it was on dry land, this would have been extremely easy to remedy. Once back in the water, not so easy. It's about 6 feet down to the water, so reaching over from the deck was out of the question.
We had to launch the dinghy.....I was hoping that my beloved, Duane, would volunteer to do the honors. He DID help me put the dinghy in the water.....laughed as he handed me the screwdriver......

2 minutes later, all done.....sailing tomorrow when it warms up a bit!! I won't publish the great shot he got of my rear-end.....
The finishing touch. Have fun on your sail. E
That wasn't too bad - it looks chilly for sailing...
Funny post! ;)
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