It was our "turn" to host my side of the family for the Christmas get-together. Monday was the only day that all of the 14 "locals" could come to Pittsboro. It was a short visit - most everyone had about a 4 hr drive. Good company and good fun though!
Eddie chopping the shallots, making the Bearnaise sauce for the filet mignon....Mom is marinating the tuna steaks...
Nephew Eddie in on a short leave from Ft. Campbell, KY. All grown up - the curly haired little boy....
Much pool was played - Trudi and Frank - I don't know who won! Doesn't matter, I'm sure.
The dinner was wonderful! We arranged the basement to accommodate all 14 of us - very nice to have everyone at the same looooongg table!
Drawing numbers for the "Grinch Exchange". Everyone brought a generic gift. The rulles allow you to "steal" a gift that you like from anyone in the room based on the number you draw. Wanna know what the most "stolen" gift was ?? A vacuum cleaner!! Apparently a popular item to be used in a DORM ROOM - go figure! Miranda was the victor!
Over too quickly - everyone had to buzz out this morning for other locales! A quick breakfast of left-over ham and fresh buttermilk biscuits and they were all on there way. A very good visit.
It sure was a lot of fun - Scout didn't like the Grinch exchange - apparently he wants to keep a gift once he opens it :)
PS - I thought you were going to say everyone had A buzz...
I had so much fun - that was great! And I am so excited about my new vacuum! Perhaps we'll test it out on Rich's room - then again, that might be a little too intense for the little vacuum to start out on! =)
I'm glad that everyone was so nice and the food was delicious! Frank was especially funny, but then again he always says funny things!
It was a wonderful visit. Thank you so much, Karen. MOM
haha - you guys are funny too!
yes, a few had a buzz.....just ask for the readings on rob's prize!
and it's just too funny to imagine ---vacuuming rich's room....
counting down now to our trip!! love to you all! k
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