Monday night, Duane saw a really good deal on Trade-a-Plane (the aircraft online supermarket) and we needed to jump on it fast or it would be gone!
The next morning, we were in the plane going south to St. Simmons Island. It's pretty down there!
Complicated story - we are not qualified to fly the new plane because it has retractable gear - so we'll have to fly a certain number of hours in the new plane to satisfy our insurance that we are capable! So, we needed Dick to go with us - he's qualified and he knows alot about these planes. BUT, coincidentally, he was already heading south with Lindy's cousins for a little reunion in Savannah. So, since our plane is bigger, we just popped them in the plane with us and all headed a little farther south to Brunswick.
The folks at St. Simmons Island airport are great - loaned us the usual courtesy car - headliner falling down, no air-conditioning - for a quick trip into town for lunch. Always fun to pack 6 adults into one car with no air-conditioning!! (Really, I'm not complaining - it was fun!)
Just have to include this photo - never seen a plane quite like this one before....
So here it is! A Mooney 201 - not the most attractive colors, but I think we'll be happy with it.
You can see Dick's similar Mooney in the distance - Dick was a real help looking the plane over.
Looking thru the logbooks in the shade - it was hot! Everyone was a real trouper while we looked at the airplane.
The owner and Dick went up for a test flight - Dick could tell alot more about it than us since he flies his all the time. It all checked out good (I sat in the back and was very comfortable)
After a little paperwork - we have a deposit on the airplane. We'll have to go back to pick it up this weekend after it's inspected by the local mechanic.
Due to some storms that had cropped up in S.C., we decided to head out over the ocean a little on the way home. Crossed over this cargo ship - it was huge!
Got home just in time to enjoy another beautiful sunset!!!
WOW! That's AWESOME! I kinda like the colours...
Congratulations on the new plane!
Big change for you, but the Mooney is just what you need.
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