Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Helicopters visit at Siler City Airport

We had a couple of nice National Guard crews visit yesterday. They do a good bit of training in the area and stopped by for a quick top-off with jet fuel. I always like to sell that jet fuel!!


affectioknit said...

How very M*A*S*H...looks like fun -


Miranda said...

I'm glad you got to sell some jet fuel! But I can't say I'm not glad that it was when you were working instead of me! =P

P.S. - Rich is going to be working on Saturday so that I can go to the UNC-State basketball game! Is that cool?

Karen said...

yep, looks very "army" for sure. the fellows are pretty comical too!

hey miranda - that's great that you get to go....wearing red, are you????

love, k

Miranda said...

Hahahah, good one Karen... Nahh, I'll be wearing the colors of the *winning* team, thank you! ;)