Really fun - they have the 18 cent Senate Bean soup - and lots of fun Irish Dishes.
So, on to the next day....Dave invited us to his place for a luncheon with his sister Jean and her husband John. Neat folks!
While Dave was getting things settled for lunch, Lindy took me on a tour of Dave's condo. 15th floor - this is the view from his bedroom setting area. Wouldn't you love to wake up to that view every morning?
Jean and Lindy chatting - did I say they were nice folks???
It was John's 83rd birthday the next day, so we wished him a happy birthday! And no, he didn't get to eat the whole cake!
The view from the 15th floor!
I may have gotten the photos out of order, but you get the idea....many walks on the beach. This one at sunset. Lovely Dick and Lindy!
And a young group of adults asked me to take a photo of them with their camera.....and the obliged by doing the same for us! Robert tried to Photoshop this to lighten up our faces, but he said the "data is just not there"....lovely photo anyway, even if I did have to drag Dick over into the frame!
If you can't tell, in order left to right - it's Dave, Lindy, Duane, Karen, reluctant Richard!
And this is un-retouched. This is actually what the sunset looked like! Beautiful!
But our time was limited and the trip was almost over. Back to the Destin Airport the following morning for the flight home. The "dualing Mooney's"!
A lovely day to fly home - this time without too much headwind.
Looking more familiar? Close to Siler City the trees are starting to turn their fall colors.
And taxiing in for fuel, I spied this hawk perched on a thin post. He didn't budge as we taxied by. Lovely trip!
1 comment:
What a lot of fun!...loved the silhouette photo too!
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