Sunday, June 21, 2009


There is an old saying "One hand for the ship, One hand for yourself" just means "hold on". I ignored that today and tripped over one of the lines at the front of the boat....went tumbling onto the deck. Just skinned knees, a bruised palm (caught myself with my out-stretched hand..), sore muscles and a bruised ego....see my skinned litt'l ole'lady knees? Not really too bad, but it sure hurt! It's been a long time since I had a tumble that hard....

Ignoring the pain, I proceeded to wash the hull of it's Dismal Swamp "beard" as they call it. I'll have to do it again in a few months - the Neuse River has it's share of staining components.....


Elizabeth said...

Sorry for the boo-boo. I'll bet that did hurt. I can see where you have cleaned the boat. E

affectioknit said...

OUCH! reminds me of a tumble I took with Jack a couple of years ago...

Boat looks spiffy 'tho...



Sharon said...

Boats and bruises seem to go hand in hand.

By the way, I've updated my blog - there's not much to see but it's a beginning...

Joyce Mineer said...

I thought I noticed bruised knees last night - ouchers!!! Hope you're feeling better!

Great to see you last night - even if it were for just a short while!! But it looks like we're on a "regular" track now with confirmed meeting dates. Ah, I feel much better with solid dates booked in my calendar!

Oh, almost forgot. Check out Cathy's blog at Enjoy!!