Friday, April 10, 2015

EEEWWWW - Bug Candy

The MOST FUN folks on the boat volunteered to play my favorite group card-game - rummy.....that is, Sharon, Miranda and Richard. 

Amazingly, we didn't have a pack of cards on the boat!  So, we made a quick trip to the store before closing time to pick up a pack.

None of that is terribly interesting but was the lead-in to what we found next .....  as we were walking down the candy aisle.....

Real crickets.

A caterpillar  in a lollipop

And ants in a lollipop.

No, I did NOT partake.  I would if I was on a deserted island.  But not on Ocracoke!

Oh, and Richard won the rummy game handily!


affectioknit said...

EEEUUUWWW is's been ages since I played rummy...I'd have to have a refresher course I think...



Elizabeth said...

I'm with her.. yuk!! But I too like to play rummy. MOM