Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Still more from Ocracoke

Rich biked over from their hotel to the boat with the kids. We paddled around in water near the ferry docks. The wind was still gusty, so I didn't want to venture too far. Emma is pretty good with the oars!

Luke tried his hand with a little help.

More party! We've started trying to adopt friends on Ocracoke - Buddy and Sharon introduced us to Paul and Gail (orange and pink shirts) a few years ago over at the old Pelican. We've run into them many times "on island". They have a house on a quiet street near the sound side and invited a gaggle of folks over on Sunday for a party.

Can you believe that adults were playing a ping-pong ball game??? It was a big hit.

We went in teams - Buddy and I - ended in a draw...

Here are some of our competitors!!

Pat joined in, of course!

Howard and Buddy discussing strategy, I suspect!

Over too soon again......

The sail back to Oriental was not to be a nice sunny one! Gray skies and plenty of wind again.

And it rained....and rained....and rained. We were all prunes. Oh - and we lost the dinghy. Sailing along in 25 - 30 knot winds with big 4' rollers coming from behind. The dinghy submerged and snapped it's bridle line. So, we had to do the "man overboard" drill - drop the sail, someone keep an eye on the "man" and circle back to retrieve "him". Success - dropped the boat hook in the water - had to retrieve it also. AAhhh - nothing like a little excitement on at otherwise sloppy sail!


Elizabeth said...

Great Labor Day fun!! I guess that weather caught up with you, good thing it was the last day. MOM

affectioknit said...

So much fun! Also glad you got your dinghy back...



Just Marianne said...

Poor dinghy AKA man! Looks like a good trip. I can tell you've been eating "green and bean!"

Miranda said...

Looks like you guys had a good time on your trip! Good to have you back though - I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow night! (Sorry that I live at your house more often than my own!)
