Friday, October 23, 2009

Wedding Dress

Gottcha! No, not for one of the kids....

When I was looking for the previous "Chevette" picture in my old album, I ran across this photo of me that Mom took outside of my dorm room in 1982 probably a few months before our wedding.

And, in keeping with the strict diet I've been on for-ever....I thought I might be able to squeeze decided to pull the dress out of the closet and see if it fit me now (it's been literally years since I've had it out).

Yep - although I must say it's snug! Teenage bodies are thinner (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) Fun to do once in a while.

And I think I look happier now! (Or maybe I was just trying to be the "demure" bride...hahaha - like I was EVER that!!)


affectioknit said...

Oh what fun! I need to do that! You do still look GREAT in that dress! What did Duane think?



Karen said...

i think he appreciated the "effort" it took to get into it (meaning the last 6 months f.f.vegan, that is) he did immediately say "you want a picture, right?" he doesn't usually say that, so it must have been picture-worthy!

i would say something about him getting into the (rented) tux, but i'm not sure it's reasonable to expect a (now) grown man to wear something he wore when he was a teen-aged 140lbs!

btw, since the wedding dress is cut with that wide-flowing's easy to squeeze post-baby grown-up hips into!!!

good fun, though! love, k