Saturday, March 06, 2010

Diane's Birthday!!

Sixty years ago, today - Diane was born!! We had to celebrate - even though she had told Pat that she didn't want him to do anything.....So, of course, he had to plan a sneak attack!

So the neighborhood got together and brought a party to their house.

Pat was smooth - got her out of the house for about an hour this afternoon - even called me with a pre-planned bogus call to let me know when we could converge on their house without her knowing.

We all went in the basement and got everything set-up.

We took the cake upstairs and congregated in the living room.

When our "lookout" Shirley, told us they had just driven up, we lit the candles and were very quiet as they came inside.

I think she was pretty surprised!!!

Skyler and "Granny D" blow out the candles....

Then the crowd went downstairs to share all the other goodies. A nice party!!


Just Marianne said...

Happy Birthday Diane!

affectioknit said...

Oh FUN! I love surprise parties! Happy Birthday Diane!