I got up this morning and drove thru 2 hours of heavy fog, westbound....
and found Eddie (fairly) healthy and happy -(really, he's not that happy - I made him laugh for this photo!)
He was still hooked up to lots of tubes and hospital "paraphernalia", but hopefully most of that will be gone in a few days. I saw his incision - ouch - 1/2 way around the middle of his back. I guess I didn't realize that they would be going in thru his back....I snapped a photo of it so he could see it - I won't share it here...yuk! Otherwise, the news from pathology is good and they are quite certain they got it all and it had not spread. Great news, of course!@
You won't believe who I ran into in the parking deck! First, Keith walked up just as I was parking. That's not so strange as he knew I was on my way there....but as I was walking from my car, I looked up and saw Judy, Teresa's mother-in-law! We had a nice, quick chat. Imagine that - it's been 15 years since I've been to Pardee hospital - quite a coincidence to see someone there I know.
Mom, Trudi and I went out for a quick lunch in Hendersonville - nice photo of Trudi and Mom:
And Mom and Karen!
Out of order, but I had stopped for a short visit with Grandma on my way thru. I was driving down I-40, so I hated to go within a mile of her house and not visit! She looked well (other than the broken-neck-in-the-brace thing!) and she seemed to be getting around very well. But the visit was short because I needed to be on my way.
After the hospital, I surprised Granny and Cordy with another quick visit (that was my M.O. for the day - Quick Visit Karen) Really, I did need to be on my way so I didn't get caught in any bad 5 o'clock traffic.
Here are the puppies - very healthy and happy -
They were loading up old scrap metal to haul off - always something to do!
On my way back - I noticed these contrails and had to snap a photo - pretty sky....
WOW - that was great to get to see EVERYBODY in one post! Nice pictures - as always!
Pictures turned out nice. Glad you had a good trip.E
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