Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Luna moth

This time of year we often see the "Luna moths". Kindof a sweet-but-said bug....

Here's what Wikipedia says about them:

Although rarely seen due to their very brief (1 week) adult lives, Luna moths are considered common. As with all Saturniidae, the adults do not eat or have mouths. They emerge as adults solely to mate, and as such, only live approximately one week. They are more commonly seen at night.


Elizabeth said...

Interesting! I have never heard of them. E

affectioknit said...

Very pretty - I remember catching one on the brick wall outside of Mom's house and putting it in a box and taking it to school - remember that Mom?



Joyce Mineer said...

Karen, how cool is that???? Rather tragic but cool!!! Although, just think about it...not a bad life if even for only one week! Ha!! I'll have to keep an eye out for these little creatures - they kinda' creep me out, though!!