Found the boat just like we left her! Safe and sound, just a minor amount of bird doo-doo to remove. Gorgeous day - although I would prefer about 30 more degrees of warmth! The heat pumps are still struggling (6 hrs later) to get the temp in the interior above 70 degrees. Since they use sea water as their heat exchanger - and that sea water is very chilly, it's not working as well as it usually does. The interior temp was 48 when we got here!
We took Richard's metal detector with us over to our new piece of earth to locate the corners. They were marked earlier with surveyors tape, but we wanted to find the actual iron posts. We weren't entirely successful, but it was a pleasant walk anyway!
We'll swing back by NC State tomorrow evening on our way home - to take Robert out for his 21st Birthday!!! I remember where I was 21 years ago right about was a happy but not exactly pretty time! Happy Birthday, son.
The lot looks lovely!
Happy Birthday Robert!
Yes, the land is pretty. I remember 21 years ago today. We had gone to Illinois for a workshop on a machine your dad used at Banks Bro. I guess we thought we would be home before Robert was born. Duane kept me informed through the night.
Happy Birthday Robert
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