Robert looked like he had a good time with the Pep Band - they're a lively crew compared to the marching band.
Our team, unfortunately, needs a little help. We did win the game, but I hope it wasn't our best effort.....if it was, we're in for a rough season!! Good luck, Wolfpack! Sidney Lowe looked sharp, though! Makes me remember the early 1980's when he was a player on the team instead of the coach!
Took Robert to dinner at Tripps on Wade Ave. for some more nostalgia....(It was T.K. Tripps back then - don't know where the "T.K." went), but not much had changed there. A good evening!
OK - so I see you did have fun at the game - glad they won - sweet picture of Robert!
It's weird to see a new generation at your old stomping ground. I don't have reason to go back to UNCA although Aaron did spend time there. Of course that was 2 generations. Glad they won and that you had a good time with Robert. MOM
Not sure if you realized I am a state grad too? Love my red and white!
Hey that flight tracker is pretty cool too. We can keep tabs on you!!
hey marianne - yes, i did know you were a state grad, but you've gone over to the dark (blue) side now! see ya in a couple of weeks - what are you reading for our "everyone reads something different" meeting?
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