Our drainage ditch is about to capacity from all the rain. That area is actually part of the lawn and not normally underwater! Windy, cold and rainy still.
Last night, I taught the Aviation Merit Badge to our local Troop 93 Boy Scouts. It's the first meeting I've been to since Robert made Eagle Scout. Lots of new faces - but some of the same leaders. A few of the Eagle Scouts from our "era" are now part of the leadership of the Troop. A nice time - the boys were well behaved and will earn their Aviation Merit Badge if they do a few more items - Like take a free flight with your's truly!
And last - our friend and Pecan Grove Marina owner John Cox gave us some great NC State Basketball tickets for tonight. They have season tickets and we're going to use them. Robert is going to play in the Pep Band - should be a great time!! GO WOLFPACK!!
Don't get your hopes up about the basketball game... State's no UNC! =)
I'm sure you'll have a great time, though!
miranda! i always thought it was the other way around - unc's no State! lol....
love, k
I'll have to keep up with this if it is televised, maybe see Robert. I know you will have a good time. MOM
What fun! You'll have to come up here and teach the Aviation badge to our Scouts...
PS - have fun at the game!
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